Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

As my family and friends celebrate Independence Day around the United States (east coast to west), I am curious what each of your traditions are surrounding this day. I bet most of you would be surprised to know that in Alaska (well at least the 2 towns I have lived in), we have fireworks at midnight on July 3rd. While most of you have fireworks at a decent hour (6pm or so), it is still so light out in Alaska that we have to wait until midnight. Well, as most folks have to go back to work on the 5th, tradition here is to have them the night BEFORE the 4th of July. Interesting huh? The 4th of July is also one of those holidays that my dear husband ALWAYS has to work. This holiday is soo busy that almost everyone has to work vacations can be planned around this holiday...EVER. So guess what? Caden and I are jumping on the fast ferry tomorrow to spend the 4th with the big boys in Sitka!

I love small town parades and food booths and cheesy floats with lots of salt water taffy (why is that always the thrown candy of choice by the way?). I sometimes get a tear in my eye just watching small town Americana all come together for a glorious 45 minutes (yes, it is a small parade) to clap at the decorated military, wave at the coast guard helicopters as they fly in formation overhead, and smile at the cute little ones struggling to keep up with the march.

Enjoy your 4th of July everyone!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Happy belated 4th to you. Hope you had a nice holiday. We escaped the heat and headed to the mountains.Nice colorful picture. Love to everyone- EG